Environmental Benefits of Using Distiller's Grains in Livestock Feed

With the expansion of the bioethanol industry, corn by-product production has drastically increased. Initially, the milling industry considered by-products waste. However, their increased production has developed a robust market for such items in the livestock nutrition industry. Though corn items are moderated, distiller grains have formed an important place in the livestock feeding system.

Distiller grains are the end product of corn. After the starch is fermented to generate ethanol, they retain the original protein content, fatty acids, fiber, phosphorus, and mineral of the corn kernel. Distiller grains are fed to the cattle in wet or dry forms. The wet distiller grains with soluble or WDGS are challenging to store and have a limited useful life. For this reason, there is more demand for dry distiller grains with soluble or DDGS.

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Feeding DDGS offers countless benefits to livestock, such as being nutritious, economical, and palatable. But the good thing is that it holds various environmental benefits as well. These little-known environmental advantages are something that many researchers around the world are exploring.

Some of the studies done by the University of Minnesota, the University of Nebraska, and many other organizations explore the role of DDGS in environmental sustainability. This post lists the prominent environmental benefits of using DDGS in livestock feed.

Reduced Methane Emission in Cattle

One of the cons of including DDGS in cattle's diet, like dairy cows and buffaloes, is that it increases the volume of corn oil consumed. Numerous studies have disclosed that raising dietary fat reduces methane production. It is essential as methane is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Read Also :- What are Distillers Grains?

As feeding DDGS to livestock reduces the production of methane, it has a positive impact on the environment. It makes DDGS more attractive beyond its performance and economic benefits.

Reduction in Phosphorus Excretion in Manure

In addition to reducing methane emissions in cattle, feeding DDGS brings a vital environmental advantage to swine and poultry operations. One of the primary benefits of using DDGS in their diet is that it contains a higher concentration of digestible phosphorus than other grains and grain byproducts. As a result, it significantly reduces the amount of phosphorus excretion in manure.

Anything that is not absorbed and digested by the cattle comes out in the form of manure, so there is a drastic reduction in phosphorus content in manure by adding DDGS to the cattle diet. 

Increased Fertility of the Soil

Manure with low phosphorus content and high protein value is excellent for the soil. The manure obtained after feeding DDGS to the livestock can be spread to the soil to increase its fertility content. 

Also, the high value of phosphorus in manure is significant, ensuring that manure can be transported to distant fields with neighboring crop producers and soil phosphorus deficits. 

Therefore, when spread properly, the phosphorus-containing manure could enhance soil fertility while reducing the environmental footprint. And there is less phosphorus runoff into lakes, water streams, and rivers. 

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Reduced Risk of Eutrophication

When nitrogen and phosphorus-containing manure is used in the soil, less phosphorus runs off into lakes, water streams, and rivers. Less risk of running harmful elements in the water minimizes the risks associated with eutrophication, which can result in algae blooms and fish killing. 

Reduced Inorganic Phosphorus Supplementation

Another environmental benefit of using DDGS in livestock feed is that it increases animal nutrition and reduces inorganic phosphorus supplementation. According to a few worldwide experts, it is estimated that the natural phosphate reserves worldwide are near depletion. Therefore, it is essential to save them, which can be done with phosphorus conservation.

Distiller grains play a pivotal role in this context as it is not just high in phosphorus content, but the element in them is more digestible. It encourages the maintenance of inorganic reserves, which is a good thing from an environmental perspective.

Odor Reduction

DDGS has also been able to mitigate the smell in commercial operations. Research has shown that the volume of hydrogen sulfide released from stored manure is reduced in animals fed with 30% DDGS diets compared to soybean-corn meal diets. It reduces odor production in manure storage warehouses.

Odor reduction is a substantial environmental benefit as urban areas move closer to extensive confinement operations, it promotes comfortable living. 

Produce High-Quality Distiller Grains Using STET Separator

It is vital to feed food-producing animals with products that reduce the negative impact on the environment because it can have a measurable and appreciable effect. A diet rich in DDGS is a sustainable way to feed livestock. However, it is essential to produce high-quality DDGS, which is possible only when you use the best equipment.

Steqtech brings you one such advanced equipment, the triboelectric separation equipment. It is a powerful device to produce DDGS of high protein content without using chemicals or water. Contact us today to learn to produce the best quality corn feed products for livestock and other animals using STET separators. 



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