Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of Rapeseed Meal in Animal Feed

The increasing demand for proteins as animal feed results in a growing interest in various protein sources. Hence, rapeseed, a raw material from the production of edible oils, seems a promising alternative animal protein feed.

Also called mustard deeds, it is a major protein source for animals in many parts of the world. In this post, we discuss the nutritional content of rapeseed meals to let you assess whether it is a perfect item to use in poultry and livestock diets.


Mustard seeds, known as rape seeds, are widely cultivated worldwide as a major protein meal and oil source. Oil recovery from mustard seed ranges between 39-44% based on the type and crushing process. It ranks third in the global production of other oil-seed crops. 

Rapeseed contains high protein content and a well-balanced amino acid profile, much better than other cereals. The leftovers after oil extraction are used as a meal for animal and livestock feed. Despite containing large amounts of highly valued nutrients, the use of rapeseed in animal feeding and human diets is limited, mainly because protein and oil in rapeseed hold certain anti-nutritional factors that limit its use as animal feed. It is called Glucosinolates and others. 

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However, Glucosinolates are non-toxic, and they can be removed with a fine production of rapeseed meal, like canola seed meal. The seed is mainly cultivated for oil extraction, and the meal remaining after oil extraction contains 30-45% protein. This way, rapeseed meals can be used as a high protein feed supplement for animal feed, ensuring the Glucosinolates level is reduced to a great extent. 

The Nutritional Profile of Rapeseed Meal

Rapeseed meal is a rich protein source with a high protein content of 30-40%, Methionine, Tryptophan, and Lysine levels. The protein from this meal is digestible. It contains a balanced level of amino acids that is better than a soybean meal. 

The Phosphorus, Iron, Selenium, Manganese, and Calcium contents in this meal are very high. It contains high Choline, Vitamin D, nicotinic acid, and low carotenoids. The amino acid content of rapeseed meal is higher than soybean meal, and it is richer in methionine. 

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The nutritional composition of this meal varies depending on its type and the processing method. The protein in this meal is rich in Sulphur and Iysine, containing amino acids, making it a perfect complement to cereals. The protein holds a high biological value and a nearly optimal composition of amino acids. 

Summing Up

Rapeseed meal is used as feed for poultry, aquatic animals, and cattle. But its high protein content makes it suitable to use as feed for other animals. However, the efficacy of this meal must be maintained to the fullest. You must follow the effective technique of processing the meal.

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Hence, using effective rapeseed meal-producing equipment like Steqtech's triboelectric separator is best. We offer a high-quality separator engineered using commercial-grade components that can produce fine-quality rapeseed meals, increasing its protein content by up to 50%. The dry meal obtained from our machine also promotes its storage efficiency and ensures that the livestock receives a well-rounded diet. 


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