Benefits of Using Sunflower Seed Meal in Animal Feed

Sunflower is an abundantly found oilseed. Whole sunflower seeds are available in broiler diets at 15-20% of the diet proportion. The by-product left after oil extraction from sunflower seeds is known as sunflower seed meal.

Many manufacturers and suppliers provide sunflower seed meals for animal feed. To understand whether this meal

is healthy for animals, we must read this post.

So, let's take a quick dive!

Sunflower offers high-quality feed for livestock. It produces healthy oil for human consumption. Most farmers don't

know the value of sunflowers as feed for chickens and dairy cows. 

A little concentration of this meal is available at agro-veterinary shops. But you must provide a balanced diet to your

livestock to ensure good milk production all year round.

You can make your feed using sunflower meal protein equipment to ensure you always feed your livestock with

high-quality feed. But if you are thinking about whether it will make a rich dietary source for your livestock, the answer

is yes. Including a sunflower seed meal in your livestock's diet has many benefits. 

Benefits of Using Sunflower Seed Meal in Animal Feed

A Rich Source of Protein

Sunflower seed meal constitutes a high level of protein. It is an exceptional source of protein in livestock feed,

especially chickens, dairy cattle, pigs, and rabbits. It holds a high protein, oil, and fiber content. The protein

concentration in this meal ranges between 29-30%, and the crude fiber content is 27-31%. The lysine content

is 3.5%, and the lignin content is 9-12%.Hence, if you feed these seed meals to the livestock, you provide them with the best protein value.

It Does not Contain Harmful or Allergic Compounds.

One excellent characteristic of sunflower seed meal is that it does not contain ingredients that may affect nutrition

in livestock. It contains a high concentration of lignin and fiber, which is given in a higher dose may affect its

digestibility. So, ensure you supply it in the right portion, and you will see healthy livestock experiencing no issues.

Good Source of Minerals and Vitamins

Another advantage of introducing this seed meal into animal feed is its rich source of phosphorus, calcium, and even

vitamins. The meal contains a perfect level of B vitamins, making it suitable for livestock's healthy growth.

In addition to dairy cows, you can feed them to chickens, pigs, and rabbits. The quality of the feed relies on the way it

is processed. For example, sunflower seed meals prepared with dry food & feed separation processes tend to have

a high protein content of 40% in comparison to one prepared using wet technology.

Read Also :- Environmental Benefits of Using Distiller's Grains in Livestock Feed

It is High in Fiber

Research shows that dairy cows produce more milk with a sunflower meal diet, which is fully or partially dehulled.

For poultry, pigs, and rabbits, a sunflower meal with high lignin and fiber content is suitable as they need to feed with

less energy. Moreover, you can feed this to farmers even without much processing. It is a substitute for soya beans or

even ground nuts. Farmers must ensure that the product they use contains the right balance of proteins and fiber.

Recommended Sunflower Seed Meal Diet

According to research in Tanzania, sunflower included in maize bran at the rate of 31% and supplied to Zebu dairy

cows provided increased milk yield production from 6.6 liters to 8.1 liters per day. In similar studies in the UK,

the meal supplemented with bone and fish meal maintained the same amount of milk from cows and provided

the same nutrition to the livestock as offered by rapeseed meal and soybean.

Read Also :- Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of Rapeseed Meal in Animal Feed

Produce High-Quality Sunflower Seed Meal Using Steqtech's Electrostatic Separation Equipment

When including sunflower seed meal in an animal diet, the most important aspect to consider is ensuring that

it contains the right proportion of protein and fiber. For this, you must practice a robust feed separation and

preparation process, which can be done easily using Steqtech's sunflower protein separation equipment.

We provide an efficiently engineered machine that uses dry technology for beneficiation, renders consistent

the performance utilizes low energy and involves low maintenance. 

Read Also :- What are Distillers Grains?

For booking high-quality separation technology equipment or to inquire more about our product, contact our experts

at 781-972-2300.


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